Old Northwest Frontier Tours
Excellent Adventures
Where the Spirit of the Past Still Lives
This page is about our work together in Old Northwest self-guided tours. We also work separately on our own projects and have for many years. Please go to the Bender - Smits drop down page under "About Us" to learn more about our individual efforts and what we have to offer. Thanks!
Herman Bender
Writer and editor, geologist, archeoastronomer and historian.
"I wear many hats, have been ‘out there’ for decades doing and seeing things the average person seldom does and would like to help you to look at the world through a different lens other than that of canned tours and a tourism sales pitch for the masses."
Barbara Smits
Writer, photographer, videographer (former musician), and historian.
“I try to help people see and understand the world around them, through the written word, pictures, video, or now an iPhone, iPad or ebook. I like to keep up with modern technology and all of the opportunities that it offers. As a young friend of mine once said, ‘That’s what I do!’”
Copyright 2015 by Old Northwest Frontier Tours - all rights reserved.
Contact: bsmits@onwfrontiertours.com or write to: Old Northwest Frontier Tours, 525 North Adams St., De Pere, WI 54115 (920) 336-9667